Monday, October 24, 2016

Please indicate the cause of the loss of the voice.

Loss of Voice Q. Please indicate the cause of the loss of the voice. A. The loss of the voice may be due to an inflammation of the m... thumbnail 1 summary
Loss of Voice

Q. Please indicate the cause of the loss of the voice.

A. The loss of the voice may be due to an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx or to an infection of the nerves control­ling the laryngeal muscles. A loss of voice is sometimes due to hysteria. In such cases the voice may be suddenly recovered at any time.

Loss of voice is sometimes the result of in­fection of the larynx with tuberculosis. Either one or both of the vocal cords may be af­fected.

Syphilis is another common cause of loss of the voice.

Cancer and tumors of various sorts may de­velop in the larynx so as to cause loss of power to make vocal sounds.

In cases in which it has become necessary to remove the larynx by a surgical operation, it has been found possible to restore the power of vocal speech by means of the insertion of a tube contaning an organ reed. The voice produced in this way is of course a monotone.