Monday, October 24, 2016

What will relieve cough and cold in the head of an infant?

Cold in the Head Q. What will relieve cough and cold in the head of an infant? A. Apply a cold w et hand rub daily. Keep the child ou... thumbnail 1 summary
Cold in the Head

Q. What will relieve cough and cold in the head of an infant?

A. Apply a cold wet hand rub daily. Keep the child out of doors constantly. Expose the skin to the sun and air for a half hour, two or three times a day. Apply to the nose the follow­ing solution with an atomizer:

Menthol----------------------20 grs.
Camphor---------------------10 grs.
Thymol----------------------- 2 grs.
Alboline---------------------- 4 ozs.

Every cold in the head or acute nasal catarrh should be treated promptly and thoroughly. When neglected, a cold is likely to become chronic, a condition of nasal catarrh. Nasal polypi obstructions, deafness and painful affections of the cav­ities in the facial bones are natural consequences of neglected colds.