Friday, October 14, 2016

What rules should be followed by a per­son suffering from tuberculosis?

Rules for Tuberculosis Patients Q. What rules should be followed by a per­son suffering from tuberculosis? A. The following rules... thumbnail 1 summary
Rules for Tuberculosis Patients

Q. What rules should be followed by a per­son suffering from tuberculosis?

A. The following rules were formulated by a health official, who has many consumptives under his care.

The tuberculous patienf must consider his own welfare as well as the welfare of those about him.

He should be in the fresh air as much as possible night and day.

He should be cheerful, look on the bright side of life.

He should eat only nourishing food.

He should avoid style, dress to suit the changes in the weather, always carry an overcoat and two or three handkerchiefs.

He shou1d keep his nose, mouth and hands clean and free from infection.

He should take at least nine hours of sleep at night, and if possible a nap in the afternoon. 

He should not mingle in large crowds of peo­ple or be where there is dust or smoke.

He should not take tobacco or alcohol in any form.

He should not cough needlessly, but only when he feels he must expectorate.

He should not work when feeling ill.

He should never swallow his sputum, as it may cause tuberculosis of the bowels.

He should not spit anywhere except in ves­sels for that purpose or in paper napkins, which should always be burned.

He should not cough or sneeze without cover­ing mouth and nose with handkerchief.

He should not kiss any person.