Friday, October 21, 2016

Is nasal catarrh curable?

Catarrh in the Head Q. Is nasal catarrh curable? A. Nasal catarrh is usually curable, but the cure is by no means an easy or simpl... thumbnail 1 summary
Catarrh in the Head

Q. Is nasal catarrh curable?

A. Nasal catarrh is usually curable, but the cure is by no means an easy or simple matter. There is no such thing as a successful "catarrh remedy." The numerous advertised nostrums are all mere "catch-penny" schemes, and some are positively harmful.

In the majority of cases there are conditions in the nose which require the special attention of an expert. Bones become thickened, mucous surfaces are swollen, and drainage passages be­come obstructed, retaining infectious material. The cavities of the facial bones connected with the nasal cavity become infected, thus maintain­ing a condition of chronic infection.

In every case of chronic nasal catarrh a com­petent nose specialist should be consulted. The wonderful advances made in the treatment of disorders of the nose within the last quarter of a century make it possible now to effect a cure in practically every case of chronic catarrh in which the disease has not existed so long as to cause extensive destruction of the mucous mem­brane or other structures of the nose.